Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Attacking with Fire,火攻 is Chapter 12 of Sun Zi Art of War.

Ways of Attacking With Fire by Sun Zi

English: Sun Zi said there are five ways to use fire to attack the enemy. The first way is to burn the enemy soldiers in their camp. The second way is to burn enemy’s stockpiles and provisions. Third way is to burn the heavy military equipment and supplies of the enemy. Fourth is to burn the armoury and warehouses of the enemy. The fifth way is to torch the transportation trains of the enemy.

Modern: 孙子曰:火攻的形式有五种:一是烧敌人军队,二是烧敌人储备,三是烧敌人辎重,四是烧敌军军械仓库,五是烧敌军补充军队。

Original: 孙子曰:凡火攻有五:一曰火人,二曰火积,三曰火辎,四曰火库,五曰火队

Necessary Conditions for Fire Attack by Sun Zi

English: To launch attacks by fire, one must possess the necessary condition. The materials and equipment needed to start and use a fire must be available at all times. There are opportunistic times for launching attacks by fire. There are also suitable days to start a fire. Opportunistic time refers to periods of dry and hot weather. Suitability of days refers to the location of the moon in relation to the four positions of the stars among the constellation. These four positions of the moon and stars among the constellation signals the days on which strong winds will arrive.

Modern: 实行火攻要具备一定的条件,这些条件都要在平时就有所准备。点火要选择一定的天时和日子。天时,要选择气候干燥的天气。日子,要选择月亮行经箕、壁、翼、轸四个星宿的时候。月亮行经这四个星宿的时候,就是起风之日。

Original: 行火必有因,烟火必素具。发火有时,起火有日。时者,天之燥也。日者,月在箕、壁、翼、轸也。凡此四宿者,风起之日也

How to Attack When Using Fire by Sun Zi

English: In assaults by fire, one must use the five ways of attacking interchangeably, depending on circumstances. When the fire breaks out within the camp of the enemy, prepare quickly to attack the enemy from outside. When fire breaks within the camp of the enemy and there is no confusion nor commotion among soldiers, wait patiently and do not be eager to attack. When the fire is burning ferociously with opportunities to be gained, follow through quickly with your attacks. When there are no opportunities to be gained and followed through, cease immediately. Fire can be started from outside the camp of the enemy. There is no need to wait for the fire to start within the camp of the enemy. Fires can always be started at suitable times and occasions.

Modern: 凡是用火攻,必须根据五中火攻所引起的不同变化,在以兵力灵活地配合。火从里面烧起,就要预先派兵在外策应。火烧起来而敌军并无动静,要保持冷静和等待,不可贸然进攻,让火一直烧下去,然后可借火势发起进攻,不能借则停止。火可以在外面烧,不需内应起火,按天时发起。

Original: 凡火攻,必因五火之变而应之。火发于内,则早应之于外。火发而兵静者,待而勿攻,极其火力,可从则从之,不可从则止。火可发于外,无待于内,以时发之

Wind & Fire by Sun Zi

English: When fire is burning in the windward direction, do not assault the leeward position. When the wind blows strongly and continuously in the day, they tend to cease in the night.

Modern: 从上风点火时,不可在下风进攻。白天风刮得时间长了,夜晚就会停止。

Original: 发上风,无攻下风。昼风久,夜风止

Water vs Fire by Sun Zi

English: The adept in warfare knows the five interchangeable methods of attacking with fire and would plan and prepare for their usage with vigilance. Thus, those who use fire as a means to support attacks are wise and shrewd. Those who use water as a means to support attacks are powerful. Water can be used to cut off and isolate an enemy, but it cannot be used to destroy and deprive him of his equipments, provisions and supplies.

Modern: 军队必须懂得灵活运用物种火攻的变化,掌握好时机和分寸。所以用火来帮助军队进攻有明显的处,在以水来帮助进攻会更强。但水攻只可以把军队隔绝,并不可以夺取。

Original: 军必知五火之变,以数守之。故以火佐攻者明,以水佐攻者强。水可以绝,不可以夺

Rulers & Generals by Sun Zi

English: Now in warfare, those who are able to win battles and secure land and cities but are unable to exploit the gains swiftly and expediently will jeopardize their interest. This is tantamount to a waste of time and resources. Thus, it is said that it is the enlightened leader who deliberates on the plan while the capable general implements it. Move only when there are advantages to be gained. Strike only when there are definite chances of success. Fight only when there are definite dangers.

Modern: 凡是打了胜战、夺取城邑,但不能巩固其成果,是很危险的,叫做耗费资财的费留。所以说,贤明的国君要慎重的考虑它,优秀的将领也会认真的处理它。没有利益就不行动,不能取胜就不使用,不到万不得已的危险之时就不决战。

Original: 战胜攻取,而不修其功者凶,命曰费留。 故曰,明主虑之,良将修之。非利不动,非得不用,非危不战

Anger by Sun Zi

English: A warlord must not embark on a military simply out of anger. A general must not go into battle out of rage. Move when there are advantages to be gained. Cease when there are no advantages to be gained.

Modern: 国君不可以因一时愤怒而发动战争,将领不可以因一时气愤而请求出战。符合国家利益就行动,不符合国家利益就停止。

Original: 主不可以怒而兴师,将不可以愠而致战。合于利而动,不合于利而止

Consequences of Anger by Sun Zi

English: Anger can return to happiness. Anger can return to joy. But a destroyed nation cannot be reinstated. A dead person cannot be resurrected.

Modern: 愤怒可以从新变为喜悦,气愤也可以转变为高兴。但国家灭亡了却不能再复存,人死不可以再复生。

Original: 怒可以复喜,愠可以复悦。亡国不可以复存,死者不可以复生

Ensure Security of Nation by Sun Zi

English: Thus an enlightened ruler must always be prudent in matters of war and a general must always be cautious and attentive. This is the way to ensure security for a nation and to preserve the strengths and entirety of the army.

Modern: 所以贤明的国君对战争极其慎重,优秀的将领对之也十分警惕,这是保证国家和军队安全的关键所在。

Original: 故明君慎之,良将警之;此安国全军之道也

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