Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

The Nine Battlegrounds,九地 is Chapter 11 of Sun Zi Art of War.

What are the Nine Battlegrounds by Sun Zi

English: Sun Zi said: In the deployment of troops, there is dispersive ground, frontier ground and key ground. There are also communicative ground, focal ground, serious ground, treacherous ground, constricted ground and death ground.

Modern: 孙子曰:用兵的方法,有散地,有轻地,有争地,有交地,有衡地,有重地,有圮地,有围地,有死地。有

Original: 孙子曰:用兵之法,有散地,有轻地,有争地,有交地,有衡地,有重地,有圮地,有围地,有死地

Nine Battlegrounds (I) by Sun Zi

English: When the warlords are fightingin their own territory, it is in dispersive ground. When a force has just made a shallow penetration into the territory of the enemy, it is considered to be on frontier ground. A terrain is equally advantageous for me and the other side to occupy is considered key ground.

Modern: 诸侯在自己境内作战,叫做散地。进入敌国但入境不深,叫做轻地。我军得到有利,敌军得到也有利的战地,叫做争地。

Original: 诸侯自战其地者,为散地。入人之地而不深者,为轻地。我得亦利,彼得亦利者,为争地

Nine Battlegrounds (II) by Sun Zi

English: An area that is easily accessible to me and to the other side is considered communicative ground. When a territory is surrounded by three other states and when its seizure by any of the states is crucial to the determination of supremacy over the rest, then the surrounding territory is considered focal ground. When an army has penetrated deep into the territory of the enemy, leaving behind hostile fortified cities and towns, it is considered to be on serious ground.

Modern: 我可以往,敌可以来的地区,叫做交地。与多国交接,先到达就可以得天下之众的地区,叫做衢地。进入敌国而且入境深,经过的城邑多的地区,叫做重地。

Original: 我可以往,彼可以来者,为交地。诸侯之地三属,先至而得天下之众者,为衢地。入人之地深,背城邑多者,为重地

Nine Battlegrounds (III) by Sun Zi

English: When an army is moving along forested mountains, dangerous mountain passes, swamps, marshlands, difficult paths and roads, it is considered to be on treacherous ground. An area that can only be reached through narrow passes, that allows retreat only through dangerous and crooked paths and where a small force of the enemy is sufficient to strike a larger force of yours, is classified as constricted ground. An area in which one can only survive through fearless fighting and will definitely perish if one does not is called a death ground.

Modern: 山林、险阻、沼泽,一切难以行走的道路,叫做圮地。进口狭隘,退路迂曲,敌军能以其少胜我多的地区,叫做围地。迅速作战则能生存,不迅速作战则覆灭的地区,叫做死地。

Original: 行山林、险阻、沮泽,凡难行之道者,为圮地。所由入者隘,所从旧者迂,彼寡可以击吾之众者,为围地。疾战则存,不疾战则亡者,为死地

What to do at Battlegrounds by Sun Zi

English: Therefore, when on dispersive ground, do not engage in battle. When on frontier ground, do not stop advancement of troops. When the enemy is occupying key ground, do not launch assaults. When on communicative ground, ensure that your forces are not separated. When on focal ground, you must attempt to befriend and ally with neighbouring states. When on serious ground, forage on the supplies and resources of the enemy. When on treacherous ground, hurry the movement of the troops. When on constricted ground, plan and strategise. When on death ground, fight relentlessly.

Modern: 所以散地不宜作战,轻敌不宜停留,争地不宜进攻,交地行军不可间断,衢地当四面结交诸侯,重地当掠取粮物,圮地当迅速通过,围地当设制计谋,死地应拼死而战。

Original: 是故散地则无战,轻地则无止,争地则无攻,交地则无绝,衢地则合交,重地则掠,圮地则行,围地则谋,死地则战

Adept at Warfare Does What by Sun Zi

English: It is said that the skilful military strategists of the past were able to ensure that the front and rear troops of the enemy could not reinforce each other on time. They ensured that the larger and smaller forces of the enemy would not be able to support nor rely on one another. They ensured that the officers and men of the enemy would not be able to rescue each other. They ensured that the commands and orders of the enemy from top to bottom would not be accepted nor obeyed. As a result, the troops of the enemy would be scattered and unable to concentrate.Even when they manage to gather together, they could never have a complete and orderly army. Move only when there are advantages to be gained. Cease when there are no advantages to be gained.

Modern: 古代善于用兵的将帅,能使敌人前面和后面不相衔接,主力和非主力不相策应,官兵不相救援,上级与下级失去团结,士卒溃散难以集中,即使兵力集中也不能保持整齐。对我方有利就行动,对我方无利就停止。

Original: 古之善用兵者,能使敌人前后不相及,众寡不相恃,贵贱不相救,上下不相收,卒离而不集,兵合而不齐。合于利而动,不合于利而止

What to Do to An Army Superior in Numbers by Sun Zi

English: When I am asked: What can be done to an approaching enemy that is superior in numbers, orderly and well-commanded? I would suggest: Be first to capture something the enemy treasures most and he will accede to your demands.

Modern: 试问:如果敌人人数众多而且又阵势严整地前来与我作战,应用什么方法对付? 回答是: 夺敌人要害就能使他听从于我。

Original: 问:敌众整而将来,待之若何?曰:夺其所爱,则听矣。

Speed is the Essence by Sun Zi

English: Speed is the essence in the use and deployment of troops in war. Exploit the unprepareness of the enemy. Travel routes that he does not expect nor is concerned about. Attack where the enemy least expects.

Modern: 用兵关键在于速度,乘敌人尚未赶到,走敌人意想不到的道路,去攻击敌人没有防备的地方.

Original: 兵之情主速,乘人之不及,由不虞之道,攻其所不戒也。

Principles on Invading-Sun Zi

English: The principles governing an invading force are as follows: when you have penetrated deep into the territory of the enemy, your forces must be highly focused and concentrated so that the enemy will not be able to overwhelm you. You must be able to forage and live off the resources of the enemy so that your troops will have adequate food and supplies. Nourish and nurture the troops prudently and do not tire them unnecessarily. Unite the spirit and morale of the troops and conserve and accumulate their combat prowess. When it comes to the deployment of troops, use strategies and plans that are beyond the predictions of the enemy.

Modern: 一般对敌国进攻的规律是,越深入敌境,士卒的意志越须专一,让防守之敌越是不能抵御;掠取富饶的乡村,三军就有足够粮食;注意休整军队,不使之过于劳累,鼓足士气,养精蓄锐;部署兵力,设制计谋,使敌人无法揣测我方意图。

Original: 为客之道:深入则专,主人不克;掠于饶野,三军足食;谨养而勿劳,并气积力;运兵计谋,为不可测

Placing Troops in the Foreign Territory by Sun Zi

English: Place your troops in positions where they cannot escape and they will fight fearlessly unto death with no thought of fleeing. This is because when they are not afraid to die, the officers and men will give their utmost for battle. When the troops are trapped in dangerous and treacherous situations, they will lose their sense of fear. When they have nowhere to flee, they will be firm and resilient in their fighting spirit. When they have penetrated deep into hostile territory, they will be extra cautious in action. When there is no other choice left, they will fight fearlessly. Thus such an army requires no instruction to be vigilant and alert to combat. The troops require no asking to do what is expected of them. No discipline is needed to gain their close rapport and support. No other orders are needed to obtain their trust and reliance. Such an army forbids superstitious practices and casts away doubts and rumours thus enabling it to confront death without any fear.

Modern: 军队投之于无路可走的境地,士卒就会宁可战死也不会败退,而既然宁死不退,就会竭尽全力。军队陷于危险的境地就会无所畏惧,而无路可走,军心就会稳固。 敌境越深就会越拘束,迫不得已就会奋战到底。所以不用训练也会戒备,不用强求也能做到,不用约束也会亲附,不用命令也会遵守,禁绝占卜,祛除疑虑,即使 战死也不会逃跑。

Original: 投之无所往,死且不北,死焉不得,士人尽力。兵士甚陷则不惧,无所往则固,入深则拘,不得已则斗。是故其兵不修而戒,不求而得,不约而亲,不令而信,禁祥去疑,至死无所之

When War is Declared by Sun Zi

English: My officers and men do not have excess wealth; but it is not because they detest the accumulation of material possessions. They do not fear for their lives not because they do not yearn longevity. On the day when the orders for war are issued, the troops will weep; those sitting down will have their tears and mucus wetting their garments. Those lying down will have their tears streaming down their cheeks. However, when thrown into positions of no escape, they will display the fearless courage of Zhuan Zhu and Cao Gui.

Modern: 军士卒没有多余的钱财,并不是他们不爱钱财,不贪生怕死,也不是不想长寿。作战命令下达的时候,士卒们坐着的泪湿衣襟,躺着泪流满面,把他们投之于无路可走的绝地,他们就会向专诸、曹刿一样勇敢。

Original: 吾士无余财,非恶货也;无余命,非恶寿也。令发之日,士卒坐者涕霑襟,偃卧者涕交颐。投之无所往者,诸,刿之勇也

Be Like Snake by Sun Zi

English: Thus the army adept in warfare may be likened to the snake, Shuai Ran. The Shuai Ran is a snake founding the Chang Mountain. When you strike its head, its tail will attack you. When you strike its tail, its head will attack you. When you strike its body, both its head and tail will attack you.

Modern: 所以,善于用兵的将帅,就好像率然一样。率然是恒山的一种蛇,打它的头,尾巴就会来救应,打它的尾巴,头就会来救应,打它的身子,头和尾巴都会来救应。

Original: 故善用兵者,譬如率然。率然者,常山之蛇也。击其首则尾至, 击其尾则首至,击其中则首尾俱至

How to Be Like Snake by Sun Zi

English: When I am asked: Can the deployment of troops have the same capability as the Shuai Ran? My answer is: It is possible. It was said that the people and soldiers of the kingdom of Wu and Yue hated one another tremendously. However, if they were placed in the same boat facing strong and threatening winds, they would cooperate and help one another like a left hand and a right hand. Thus it is not sufficient to rely on tying up the horses and burying the wheels of the chariots as a means to control the army. Thus it is not sufficient to rely on tying up the horses and burying the wheels of the chariots as a means to control the army. The effective deployment of both the strong and weak forces depends on the understanding and exploitation of the terrain. Thus the adept in warfare leads his army as if he was leading a single person; this is inevitable.

Modern: 试问军队也能像率然一样吗?答案是可以。吴国人与越国人是相互仇视的,但当他们同乘一条船渡河而遇到风险时,他们互相救援,就像一个人的左右手。所以用联 马埋车轮以示死战,是靠不住的,使士卒齐心协力勇往直前如同一人,是治理军队的方法。所以善于用兵的将帅,能使军队携起手来像一个人一样,这是由于客观形 势迫使军队不得不这样。

Original: 问:兵可使如率然乎?” 曰:可。夫吴人与越人相恶也,当其同舟而济,遇风,其相救也,如左右手。是故方马埋轮,未足恃也。齐勇若一,政之道也;刚柔皆得,地之理也。故善用兵者,携手若使一人,不得已也

What the General Should Do by Sun Zi

English: The art of generalship is to be calm and somber in thought, inscrutable and comprehensive in strategizing; and strict, just and fair in the management of military affairs. He must be able to keep information away from the knowledge of his officers and men so that they will not know his plans. He changes his methods of doing things and alters his strategies so that no one can see through his plans and schemes. He changes his campsites and travels by unexpected routes so that no one can guess his motives. The shrewd and capable general on a specific military mission is like someone who leads his men to scale great heights and, at the most crucial moment, removes the ladder that leads them up. He would lead his army deep into the hostile territory of the enemy and then reveal his real intention after burning the boats and breaking the cooking pots. He would lead the army like a flock of sheep, herding them in one direction, and then switching back to another without them understanding what he is trying to accomplish. To assemble all the divisions of the army and expose them to great danger is what a general is expected to do.

Modern: 帅用兵,要做到冷静而沉稳,端庄稳重,严正而有条理。要能蒙蔽士卒而耳目,使他们对军事新行动毫无所知。经常变换作战内部署,改变计划,使人们什么也搞 不清楚。经常改换宿营地,故意迂回行军,使人们什么也无法推测。将帅与他们约期会战,就像登高而抽取梯子一样,断其归路。将帅与士卒深入别国境内,然后才 告之于作目的,下令作战。这就像驱赶羊群赶过来,赶过去,不知道要上哪儿去。聚集三军士卒,把他们头置于危险的境地,这就是统帅军队应当做的事情。

Original: 军之事:静以幽、正以治。能愚士卒之耳目,使之无知。易其事、革其谋,使人无识; 易其居、遇其途,使人不得虑。帅与之期,如登高而去其梯。帅与之深入诸侯之地,而发其机,焚舟破釜;若驱群羊,驱而往,驱而来,莫知所之。聚三军之众,投之于险,此将军之事也

Important Aspects General Need to Study by Sun Zi

English: The variations and changes of the various types of ground, the advantages pertaining to defensive and aggressive actions and the understanding of human nature are all important aspects that must be carefully studied.

Modern: 九地的变化,通便的利处,士卒心理的掌握,都是不可不加以考察的。

Original: 九地之变,屈伸之利,人情之双,不可不察也

Principles on Occupation by Sun Zi

English: The principle governing occupation of hostile territory is: When an army penetrates deep into hostile territory, it will be more united and focused in battle; when it makes only a shallow penetration, its fighting spirit is likely to be threatened and diluted. When the army leaves its own country behind and crosses the border into another country for battle, it is on isolated ground. When an area is high accessible and communicative to various parties it is focal ground. When an army penetrates deep into hostile territory, it is on serious ground. When an army makes only a shallow penetration into hostile territory, it is on frontier ground. When the area to the rear of the army is highly dangerous and the area before it, is very narrow, it is on constricted ground. An area from which there is no escape route is called death ground.

Modern: 一般进攻敌国作战,进入敌国深则意志专一,进入敌国浅则意志溃散。离开本国进入敌境作战,称作绝地;四通八达的地区,称作衢地;进入敌国很深的地区,称作重地;进入敌国浅的地区,称作轻地;背有险固前为隘口,称作围地;无处可走的地区,称作死地。

Original: 为客之道:深则专,浅则散。去国越境而师者,绝地也;四通者,衢地也;入深者,重地也;入浅者,轻地也;背固前隘者,围地也;无所注者,死地也

When In Hostile Territory by Sun Zi

English: On dispersive ground, the general must unite the determination of the army. On frontier ground, the general must keep the forces in close contact. When encountering key ground, the general must rush his forces forward to occupy it before the enemies does. On communicative ground, the general must be vigilant in defence. On focal ground, the general must strengthen his alliances. On serious ground, a general must ensure a continuous supply of food and provisions. On treacherous ground, a general must push his forces quickly forward so as to pass it. On constricted ground, a general must seal the points of entry and exit. On death ground, the general must fight as if he does not wish to live.

Modern: 所以散地要使军队意志统一,轻地要使军队紧密连接,争地要使军队迅速迂回敌后,交地要固守关口,衢地要谨慎防守,重地要补充粮食,圮地要迅速通过,围地要堵塞缺口,死地则要显示死战的决心,殊死拼斗。

Original: 是故散地,吾将一其志;轻地,吾将使之属;争地,吾将趋其后;交地,吾将谨其守;衢地,吾将固其结;重地,吾将继其食;圯地,否将进其途; 围地,吾将塞其阙;死地,否将示之以不活

Intuitive Nature of Soldiers by Sun Zi

English: It is intuitive nature of soldiers to resist when they are surrounded, to fight until death when they do not have any alternative and to obey when they are in a highly dangerous situations.

Modern: 所以士卒的心理情况是,遭敌包围就会尽力抵抗,形势危急,迫不得已就会拼死决斗,深入困境就会听从指挥。

Original: 故兵之情:围则御,不得已则斗,过则从

Principles of War by Sun Zi

English: Thus, if the schemes and ploys of the neighbouring warlords are not known, one should not be keen to enter into any alliances with them. Those who do not know the conditions of forested mountains, the dangerous terrain of mountain paths and the treacherous nature of swamps and marshes will not be able to conduct the movement of troops. Those who do not use local guides will not be able to gain the advantages of the terrain.

Modern: 所以,不知道诸侯的谋略,不能与之结交;不知道山林、险阻、沼泽等地形,就不能行军;没有向导,则不能得地利之便。

Original: 是故不知诸侯之谋者,不能预交;不知山林、险阻、沮泽之形者,不能行军;不用乡导者,不能得地利

How Hegemon Wins by Sun Zi

English: If one fails to understand and exploit even one of the nine types of ground, one cannot claim to be the supreme commander of an all-conquering army. When a supreme commander attacks a large state, he ensures that it is impossible for the enemy to assemble all his forces against him. He will overpower his enemy convincingly and overawe the other states so much that none of the allies of the enemy would dare unite against him. Thus, he does not have to contend with securing alliances with other states. He does not have to foster or cultivate its power over other states. Rather, he relies on his supreme ability to overpower the enemy to achieve his own agenda and goals. Thus he is able to conquer cities and overthrow the states in his enemies.

Modern: 这几方面,如果有一方面考虑不到,就不能算是霸王之兵。霸王之兵,攻击大国,就会使敌方召集不到民众;威加于敌国,就能使敌国不能缔结外交。所以不必去争 取于天下诸侯交结,也不必去培植自己在天下的势力,只要伸展自己的力量,施加威严于敌国,就可以拔取敌人城池,毁灭敌国国都。

Original: 四五者,一不知,非霸王之兵也。夫霸王之兵,伐大国,则其众不得聚;威加于敌,则其交不得合。是故不争天下之交,不养天下之权,信己之私,威加于敌,故其城可拔,其国可隳

In War Situation by Sun Zi

English: In a war situation, bestows rewards that do not adhere to conventions and norms. Implement orders that do not conform to customary law and regulations. Direct the various forces of the army as if instructing one person. Order the officers and men to carry out tasks, but do not tell them the reason or intention. Order them to go after advantages and gains but do not divulge the dangers involved. Throw the officers and men on dangerous ground and they will attempt to survive. Place the troops on death ground and they will strive to be alive. When the troops are thrown into situations of grave danger, they are capable of turning defeat into victory.

Modern: 施行没有常规的奖赏,执行不用规定的指令,使用三军的官兵,如同使用一个人一样。令其执行任务,不要用言语申说;令其执行取利的命令,不要告之于不利条件。头士卒于死亡之地,然后他们才能转死为生,使士卒陷于危境,然后才能夺取胜利。

Original: 施无法之赏,悬无政之令,犯三军之众,若使一人。犯之以事,勿告以言; 犯之以利,勿告以害。投之亡地然后存,陷之死地然后生。夫众陷于害,然后能为胜败

Art of Warfare by Sun Zi

English: Thus the art of warfare is to pretend to accommodate the motives and desire of the enemy. Concentrate your forces on a single position of the enemy. Thus, even coming from a thousand miles, you can still kill the generals of the enemy. This is what is meant by the art of accomplishing tasks in a skilful and capable manner.

Modern: 所以,用兵作战,在于谨慎地审查敌人的意图,根据敌人意图,集中兵力指向敌军的一点,千里攻敌,斩杀敌将,这就叫做用巧妙的办法克敌制胜。

Original: 为兵之事,在于顺详敌之意,并敌一向,千里杀将,是谓巧能成事

When Date of War is Decided by Sun Zi

English: Thus, when the date for war is decided upon, close all border exits, cancel all travel permits and disallow the movement of emissaries from other states. Finalise and oversee closely all final preparations, plans and strategies for war in the temple of the ancestors.

Modern: 所以,决定作战之日,要闭锁关口,销毁符节,禁止敌国使节往来,在庙堂上再三激励士卒,以责成具体任务。

Original: 是故政举之日,关折符,无通其使;厉于廊庙之上,以诛其事

Be Coy then Swift by Sun Zi

English: When the enemy provides an opening, move in swiftly to exploit it. Capture first what the enemy treasures most, and do not let the enemy know the date of the attack. Military strategy must be adapted to the circumstances of the enemy so that actions and decisions can be determined accordingly. Thus, at the beginning of a battle, be as coy as a virgin girl so as to lure the enemy into providing an opening. As the battle progresses, be as swift as an escaping hare so as to catch the enemy unaware.

Modern: 敌人打开门户,就要迅速进入。首先夺取敌人要害,暗地里透露会战期限。紧密跟随敌人,寻找进攻的机会。所以,战争开始时好像处女那样沉静,使敌人打开门户不加防范,然后就像撒开的兔子一样迅速敏捷,是敌人措手不及,无法抵挡。

Original: 敌人开阖,必亟入之。先其所爱,微与之期。践墨随敌,以决战事。是故始知处女,敌人开户,后如脱免,敌不及拒

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