Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Chapter 9. Movement and Deployment of Troops, is Chapter 9 of Sun Zi Art of War

Deployment in Mountainous Area by Sun Zi

English: Sun Zi said: In the deployment of troops and in the analysis and assessment of the enemy, certain principles must be kept in mind. After crossing the mountains, move and stay close to the valleys. For a commanding view and to ensure better chances of survival, occupy high grounds. When the enemy has occupied high grounds, do not attempt an assault. These are principles for deploying troops in mountainous terrain.

Modern: 孙子说:凡军队行军作战和战场观察判断敌情时要注意以下原则:通过山地时,要靠近有水草的谷地;驻止时,要选择山地,使视野宽阔,但是如果敌人已占领高地则不要仰攻。这是在山地行军的法则。

Original: 孙子曰:凡处军、相敌:绝山依谷,视生处高来,战隆无登,此处山之军也

Deployment in Marine Battles by Sun Zi

English: After crossing a river, get as far away from its bank as possible and move on. When an invading force of the enemy is crossing a river, never engage it in the midst of the river itself. Rather, let half of its force cross the river first, then attack it so that you can gain the advantage. If you are eager to attack an invading enemy, never engage him at the point where he plans to cross a river. For a commanding view and to ensure better chances of survival against the enemy, occupy high grounds. Never move upstream to engage an enemy. These are the principles for deploying troops in marine battles.

Modern: 横渡江河,要在离江河稍远的地方驻扎;如果敌人渡水来进攻,不要在水中攻击,应该等半数渡江河过后才攻击,这样才有利;如果要更敌军决战,不要靠近水边列阵;沿江河驻扎军队也应该驻扎在高处,使前面视野辽阔;不要在敌军下游驻扎或布阵;这些是江河地带行军法则。

Original: 绝水必远水;客绝水而来,勿迎之于水内,令半济而击之,利;欲战者,无附于水而迎客;视生处高,无迎水流,此处水上之军也

Deployment in Swamp & Marsh by Sun Zi

English: When crossing salty swamps and marshes, move away quickly; never linger there. If you need to engage the enemy in salty swamps and marshes, stay close to areas that are lush with grasses and have your rear to the forest. These are the principles for deploying troops in salty swamps and marshes.

Modern: 过盐碱沼泽地带,要迅速离开,不可久留;如果在盐碱沼泽地带与敌军交战,必须靠近水草、背靠树林;这些是在盐碱沼泽地带行军的法则。

Original: 绝斥泽,惟亟去无留;若交军于斥泽之中,必依水草,而背众树,此处斥泽之军也

Deployment on Level Terrain by Sun Zi

English: On level terrain, occupy positions that allow you ease of maneuvers. By ensuring that the right flank and support forces are on higher grounds, the danger is confined to the front as the rear us secured and safe. These are the principles for deploying troops on level terrain.

Modern: 在平陆地带驻军,要选择地势平坦的地方,主要是翼侧和后方依托高地,前低后高,这就是在平原地带行军作战法则。

Original: 陆处易,而右背高,前死后生,此处平陆之军也

Basic Deployment Rules by Sun Zi

English: By mastering the principles of the four different situations for deployment of troops, the Yellow Emperor was able to conquer the other warlords of the surrounding areas. In general, an army prefers to take up positions on high ground and detests occupying low ground. It favors positions that are bright and sunny and detest places that are dark. It prefers to nourish its troops by locating in areas where food and supplies are in abundance. An army that does not suffer from disease and sickness is bound to win all battles.

Modern: 以上四处军则的好处,是黄帝能战胜四帝的重要原因。大凡驻军都喜欢高地而厌恶低处,偏向阳亮之地,厌恶阴湿之地,接近水草以保持供应,这样一来军队不易生病,也就给胜利多一个保障。

Original: 凡此四军之利,黄帝之所以胜四帝也。凡军好高而恶下,贵阳而贱阴,养生而处实。军无百疾,是谓必胜

Deployment in Hilly Areas by Sun Zi

English: When in hilly areas, you need to be cautious and alert by camping on sunnier side and have the right flank and rear guard on higher ground. In this way, the troops will benefit because you are able to exploit the advantages of the terrain.

Modern: 丘陵、堤防驻军,必须驻扎在向阳的一面,并且要把主要翼侧和后方依托着它。这样对于用兵有利,得到地形给于的辅助。

Original: 丘陵堤防,必处其阳,而右背之。此兵之利、地之助也

When Going to Cross River by Sun Zi

English: When there is rain upstream and the river is foaming, you must wait for the water to subside before trying to cross the river.

Modern: 河流上游暴雨,看到水沫冲来,要渡河者应该带水势平稳以后再渡。

Original: 上雨,水沫至,欲涉者,待其定也

Deployment in Treacherous Natural Crevices by Sun Zi

English: In any terrain, there are treacherous gullies, natural wells, natural prison, natural nets, natural traps and natural crevices. Move quickly away when encountering them and never even be close to them. I will keep a distance from it, but will force the enemy near them. I will face them directly but will force the backs of the enemy towards them.

Modern: 凡是遇到绝涧天井天牢天陷天隙等地形,必须迅速离开而不要靠近。我远离它,而是敌军靠近它。我面向它,敌方背对它。

Original: 凡地有绝涧、天井、天牢、天罗、天陷、天隙,必亟去之,勿近也。吾远之,敌近之;吾迎之,敌背之

Deployment in Areas with Thick Undergrowth-Sun Zi

English: The surrounding areas along the route that an army takes may have treacherous paths, ponds covered with grasses and reeds, marshlands, forested mountains and areas with thick undergrowth and vegetation. So in moving through such areas, it must be extra vigilant and embark on detailed and thorough searches. They provide good areas for ambushes laid by the enemy or where his spies are hidden.

Modern: 军队在行军时,在难以行走的路、湖沼、芦苇丛生的低洼地区、草木繁茂的山林地区,必须仔细反复的搜索,为这些地方都容易隐藏伏兵或奸细。

Original: 军旁有险阻、潢井、葭苇、林木、翳荟者,必谨复索之,此伏奸之所处也

Signals from Enemy's Movement by Sun Zi

English: When the enemy is nearby and yet is able to remain silent, he is relying on the strategic advantages conferred by the terrain. When the enemy attempts to provoke you into battle from a distance, he is trying to lure you forward to engage him. When the enemy camps on a level and accessible ground, there must be advantages and reasons to do so.

Modern: 敌军离我方近,却能保持安静,那是他倚仗占据险要地形。敌军离我方远,却来挑战,那是企图诱我前进。敌军之所以占据平地,定有他的好处和用意。

Original: 敌近而静者,恃其险也。远而挑战者,欲人之进也;其所居易者,利也。

Signals from Nature by Sun Zi

English: When the forest trees show sign of movement, the enemy is approaching. When there are many obstacles of bundled grasses and hay along the way, the enemy is trying to arouse your suspicion. When the birds suddenly rise in flight, there are likely ambushes, nearby. When frightened animals rush out from the forest, the main force of the enemy is at hand.

Modern: 树林里很多树在摇动,可能是敌军来袭;在草丛中设有许多遮蔽物,是敌人企图迷惑我;鸟群突然飞起,表示下面有埋伏;走兽到处跑,表示敌人大举来袭;

Original: 树动者,来也;众草多障者,疑也。鸟起者,伏也;兽骇者,覆也;

Signals from Dust Clouds by Sun Zi

English: When the dust rises high and concentrated, the enemy chariots are approaching. When the dust rises low and is widespread, the enemy infantry is approaching. When the dust shows sign of scattering in different streaky directions, the enemy is sending out troops to cut and gather firewood. When the dust rises and settles occasionally in small patches, the enemy is setting up camp.

Modern: 飞尘高而尖,可能是敌军战车向我开来;飞尘低而广,可能是敌军士卒向我奔来;飞尘疏散而细长,可能是敌人在打柴;飞尘少而时起时落,可能是敌军在扎营;

Original: 尘高而锐者,车来也;卑而广者,徒来也。散而条达者,樵采也。少而往来者,营军也

Signals from Envoy by Sun Zi

English: When the envoy of the enemy speaks humbly and lowly while preparations are being intensified, the enemy is planning to attack. When the envoy of the enemy speaks in arrogantly and aggressively with threats to attack, the enemy is preparing to withdraw. When the envoy of the enemy asks for a truce when there is no prior agreement nor understanding, the enemy is scheming.

Modern: 敌方使者言辞谦卑而实际上又积极备战,表示是要向我进攻;敌方使者言辞强硬而军队有向我逼近,表示他要撤退;敌方使者在没有前提下求和,其中必有阴谋;

Original: 辞卑而益备者,进也;辞强而进驱者,退也;无约而请和者,谋也

Signals from Formation-Sun Zi

English: When the light chariots leave the main force to take up flank positions, the enemy is gearing up formation for the battle. When there is much movement among the soldiers and chariots of the enemy, rushing to take up positions, his reinforcement has arrived. When half of the troops of the enemy are advancing while the other are withdrawing, he is attempting to lure you.

Modern: 敌战车先出而占据翼侧,是在布列阵势;敌军急速奔走并摆开兵车列阵,是祈求与我决战;敌军半近半退,是要引诱我军;

Original: 轻车先出居其侧者,陈也;奔走而陈兵者,期也;半进半退者,诱也

Signals from Soldiers & Camp by Sun Zi

English: When the soldiers of the enemy are leaning against their weapons, they are hungry and short of food. When the enemy soldiers that are assigned to get water start to drink first, they are extremely thirsty and lack of water supplies. When the enemy sees an obvious advantage but is does not want to seize it, he is severely tired and exhausted. When the birds gather around the enemy campsite, the site is empty. When the enemy soldiers scream and yell at night, they are in great fear. When the army of the enemy is disorderly and chaotic, the authority of the general is not respected. When the banners and flags of the enemy are shifted around frequently, the troops are in disarray. When the junior officers of the enemy are short-tempered and easily angered, they are tired and detest their responsibilities. When the enemy kills horses for food, there are no provisions in his camp. When the cooking utensils are hung away and the soldiers refuse to return to camp, the enemy is in a desperate situation.

Modern: 敌军倚着兵器而站立着,是因为饥饿缺粮;打水的敌兵急于饮水,是因为干渴缺水;敌军见利不取,是因为疲劳过度。地方营寨上有鸟停集,那表示营寨是空的;敌 营夜间有人惊呼,说明敌军心里恐惧;敌军纷扰无次序,是其将帅无威严;敌军旗帜摇动而不整齐,是因为其阵形已经混乱;敌军官吏急躁易怒,是因为过度疲劳困 倦;敌人用粮食喂马,杀牲口吃,收起炊具,不返回营寨,是准备拼命突围的穷寇

Original: 杖而立者,饥也;汲而先饮者,渴也。见利而不进者,劳也;鸟集者,虚也;夜呼者,恐也;军扰者,将不重也。旌旗动者,乱也;吏怒者,倦也;粟马肉食,军无悬甑,不返其舍者,穷寇也

Signals About Generals by Sun Zi

English: When the officers and men gather in small groups to speak softly and subdued tones, the general has lost their support. When the rewards are given out excessively, the general is lacking ideas. When punishments are carried out excessively, the general is in great distress. A general who behaves ruthlessly at the initial stage and then begins to fear his own troops subsequently is one who is neither intelligent nor capable. When the envoy of the enemy arrives with praises and gifts, they are signs that the enemy desires a truce. When the enemy arrives with much anger and ferocity and yet for a long time refuses to engage in battle or to withdraw, one must be very vigilant and study his behaviour and motives carefully.

Modern: 当兵士官吏成群结队,窃窃私语,将帅低声下气同部下讲话,表示敌将失去人心;一而再奖励士兵,表示敌军已没办法;一而再重罚部属,表示敌军陷入困境;将帅 对士卒凶暴,后害怕部下,是最不精明的。敌人借故派使者来谈判,措词委婉态度谦和,表示他想休战;敌军盛怒前来,但久不交战,又不离去,必须谨慎地观察 其意图。

Original: 谆谆翕翕,徐与人言者,失众也;数赏者,窘也。数罚者,困也。先暴而后畏其众者,不精之至也;来委谢者,欲休息也。兵怒而相迎,久而不合,又不相去,必谨察之

Numerical Advantage by Sun Zi

English: The strength of an army does not depend on superiority of numbers. Do not advance compulsively based on having large forces. Concentrate the strengths of your forces sufficiently and judge the moves and motives of the enemy accurately so as to capture him. He who lacks strategic foresight and insight and underestimates his enemy will definitely end up being captured.

Modern: 战不在于兵力越多越好,只要不轻敌冒进,并集中兵力,了解敌情,就可以战胜敌人。无深谋远虑而又轻敌的将帅必定被人俘虏。

Original: 兵非贵益多,惟无武进,足以并力、料敌、取人而巳。夫唯无虑而易敌者,必擒于人

Loyalty & Punishment by Sun Zi

English: When the men are punished before their loyalty is secured, they will be rebellious and disobedient. If disobedient and rebellious, it is difficult to deploy them. When the loyalty of the men is secured, but punishments are not enforced, such troops cannot be used either.

Modern: 帅在士卒尚未亲近依附时,就冒然处罚士卒,士卒肯定不服,不服则难使用。士卒已经亲近依附,但不执行军纪军法,这样的军队也不可使用。

Original: 卒末亲附而罚之,则不服,不服则难用也。卒已亲附而罚不行,则不可用也

Enforcement of Orders by Sun Zi

English: Thus, the general must be able to instruct his troops with civility and humanity and unite them with rigorous training and discipline so as to secure victories in battles. When orders are regularly enforce and used to train the soldiers, they will be obedient. When orders are not regularly enforced nor used to train the soldiers, they will not be obedient. When orders are regularly enforced, it is because of the mutual trust and confidence between the commander and his men.

Modern: 所以将帅应该以文明与人性来喝令士卒,用军纪、军法来来统一士卒。这样的军队打起战来会取得胜利。平时能认真贯彻命令、教育士卒,士卒就能养成服从的习 惯;平时不认真贯彻命令、不教育士卒,士卒就会养成不服从的习惯;平时能认真执行命令,是由于将帅与士卒相互取得信任的缘故。

Original: 故令之以文,齐之以武,是谓必取。令素行以教其民,则民服;令不素行以教其民,则民不服。令素行者,与众相得也

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