Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Terrain,地形 is Chapter 10 of Sun Zi Art of War.

Types of Terrain by Sun Zi

English: Sun Zi said: There are different kinds of terrain, such as: communicative ground, entrapping ground, indifferent ground, constricted ground, key ground and distant ground.

Modern: 孙子曰:地形有等六种。

Original: 孙子曰:地形有通者,有挂者,有支者,有隘者,有险者,有远者

In a Communicative Ground by Sun Zi

English: An area that is easily accessible to me and the other side is considered as a communicative ground. On a communicative ground, the priority is to occupy a high and sunny position that is convenient and beneficial for overseeing the supply routes for food and rations. In this way, advantages in battle are gained.

Modern: 我可以去、敌可以来的地域,叫做。在通形地域,要抢先地势高而又向阳,沟通并保护粮道,这样与敌交战就比较有利。

Original: 我可以往,彼可以来,曰通。通形者,先居高阳,利粮道,以战则利

In an Entrapping Ground by Sun Zi

English: An area that is easy to enter but difficult to retreat from is called an entrapping ground. On an entrapping ground, when the enemy is ill-prepared in defence, one can launch attacks to capture successfully. However, if the enemy proves to be well prepared and the assault fails, one is hard to put to a beat a retreat and is thus placed in a very disadvantageous position.

Modern: 可以前进,难以后退的地域称作为。在挂形地域,敌人若无防备,就可以出击取胜;若敌人有所防备,出击而不能胜,又难以退回,就不利了。

Original: 可以往,难以返,曰挂。挂形者,敌无备,出而胜之;敌若有备,出而不胜,难以返,不利

In an Indifferent Ground by Sun Zi

English: An area that is not advantageous for occupation for both side is called an indifferent ground. On an indifferent ground, should the enemy throw out a bait, one must never take it nor launch and attack. Instead, one should pretend to retreat and, in turn, lure the enemy out. When half of his troops have been drawn out, it is then advantageous to launch an attack.

Modern: 敌我双方出击都不利,此地域称作为;在支地,纵然敌人如何引诱我方,我方都不可出击;可引兵离去,诱使敌人前出一半时,我军突然出击,就有利。

Original: 我出而不利,彼出而不利,曰支。支形者,敌虽利我,我无出也;引而去之,令敌半出而击之,利

In a Constricted Ground by Sun Zi

English: On a constricted ground, must be the first to occupy it; one should then fortify the strategic access points with one’s troops and await the arrival of the enemy. If the enemy occupies the constricted ground first and has already fortified the strategic access points, refrain from attacking him. Only attack the strategic access point when they are weak and not fortified.

Modern: 在隘形地域,若我方先占领,应当用重兵占领隘口;若敌人先占领,并以重兵把守隘口,不可攻击,若没重兵把守,就因该迅速攻击隘口。

Original: 隘形者,我先居之,必盈之以待敌;若敌先居之,盈而勿从,不盈而从之

In a Key Ground by Sun Zi

English: On key ground, first occupy and then camp on higher, sunnier ground to await the arrival of the enemy. If the enemy occupies the key ground first, he has to be lured away. One must not follow to attack him.

Modern: 险形地域者,如果我军先到达,应占据地势高而向阳的地方,等待来犯的敌人;如果敌军先占据,就应引敌军离去,而不追击。

Original: 险形者,我先居之,必居高阳以待敌;若敌先居之,引而去之,勿从也

In a Distant Ground by Sun Zi

English: On a distant ground, if both forces are equally matched, it becomes difficult for one to provoke the other into battles as there is no advantage to be gained in a direct battle.

Modern: 远形地域,双方势均力敌,不宜挑战,勉强求战,于我不利。

Original: 远形者,势均,难以挑战,战而不利

Terrains & Generals by Sun Zi

English: The natural laws of terrain underlie these six types of ground. It is the general responsibility to study and examine their characteristics thoroughly.

Modern: 以上六点,是利用地形的法则;观察地形是当将帅的一大责任。

Original: 凡此六者,地之道也。将之至任,不可不察也。

Six Army Calamities by Sun Zi

English: An army suffers from flight, insubordination or collapse. It may also suffer from ruin, disorganization and rout. The six calamities mentioned are not die to natural causes but is the fault of the general.

Modern: 军队失败的六种情况是这六种情况,非天灾,而是将帅的过失。

Original: 故兵有走者,有弛者,有陷者,有崩者,有乱者,有北者。凡此六者,非天地之灾,将之过也

Army Calamities by Sun Zi

English: Even when all other conditions and characteristics are comparable, if an army insists on attacking an enemy force ten times its size, the result will be flight. When the soldiers are strong and courageous but the officers are weak and cowardly, the result will be insubordination. When the officers are strong and brave but the soldiers are weak and timid, the result will be collapse. When the senior officers are angry and insubordinate because of the general’s failure to recognize their capabilities, and they engage the enemy in a spirit of resentment and act out of their own will, the result will be ruin. When the general is weak and lacks discipline, when his orders and instructions are not enlightened, when his officers and men do not have clear lines of responsibilities, and when the command structure and formations are confusing, the result is disorganization. When the general, unable to assess the enemy’s character, allows a smaller force to strike a larger one, pitting its weakness against the enemy’s strengths, and having no elite troops at the front, the result will be rout. The above six situations are definite causes of defeat. It is again the responsibilities of the general to study these situations thoroughly.

Modern: 敌我条件相当的情况下,如果攻击十倍于我的敌人,因而失败,这称作为。兵卒强悍而将吏懦弱,因而失败,称作为。将吏强悍而兵卒懦弱,因而失 败,称作为。偏将怨怒而不服从指令,遇到敌人,擅自率军出战,主将又不肯定他们能否取胜,因而失败,称作为。主将软弱又不威严,训练没有章 法,吏卒无所遵循,布阵杂乱无章,因而失败,这称作为。将帅不能判断敌情,以少击众,以弱击强,作战又没有精锐作骨干,因而失败,这称作为 以上六种情况,必然造成失败,观察军队是否有以上的情况是当将帅的一大责任。

Original: 势均,以一击十,曰走;卒强吏弱,曰弛;吏强卒弱,曰陷;大吏怒而不服,遇敌忍而自战,将不知其能,曰崩;将弱不严,教道不明,吏卒无常,陈兵纵横,曰乱;将不能料敌,以少防众,以弱击强,兵无选锋,曰北。凡此六者,败之道也。将之至任,不可不察也

Exploiting Terrain by Sun Zi

English: Advantages of terrain are exploited to complement the deployment of troops. The general must be able to assess the enemy also so as to secure victories. He must be able to determine the characteristics of a terrain to understand its dangers, distance, scope and coverage in the use of battle. That is the moral responsibilities of the supreme commander. He who knows these factors and applies them in battle will win. He who does not know these factors nor applies them will be defeated in battle.

Modern: 地形是用兵作战的辅助条件。正确判明敌情,研究地形险易,计算道路远近,这是将帅的责任。懂得这些并能用来指导作战,就必然胜利。不懂得这些道理去指挥作战,就必然失败。

Original: 夫地形者,兵之助也;料敌制胜,计险厄远近,上将之道也。如此而用战者必胜,不知此而用战者必败

Precious Generals by Sun Zi

English: If an assessment of the battle situations is one of definitive victory, the general must engage in battle even though the ruler has issued orders not to do so. If an assessment of the battle situations is one of definitive defeat, the general must not engage in battle even though the ruler has issued orders to do so. The loyal general is thus able to advance in battle without thought of seeking personal fame or glory. He retreats without fear of punishment. His concerns are always on protecting the welfare of the people and the upholding of interest of the ruler. Such a general is a precious talent that is favoured by the nation.

Modern: 所以如果根据战场实际确有必胜把握,即使国君命令不许打,也可以坚决去打;如果根据战场实际不能取胜,即使国君命令打也可以不打。所以,进不求名誉,推不避罪责,只求保护民众维护国君的根本利益,这样的将帅,是国家最宝贵的财产。

Original: 战道必胜,主曰: 战,必战可也;战道不胜,主曰: 战,无战可也。故进不求名,退不避罪,唯民是保,而利于主,国之宝也

Treating Troops by Sun Zi

English: When the general regards his troops as infants, they will be willing to follow him through the greatest threats and gravest danger. When the general treats his troops like beloved sons, they will be willing to support and die for him. An army may be so overly pampered by the general that it cannot be useful, so excessively loved that it cannot be commanded and so disorderly that it cannot be disciplined. Such and army is like a bunch of spoilt and arrogant brats , and cannot be deployed.

Modern: 帅对待士卒能够像对待婴儿那样关切,士卒就可以随将帅赴汤蹈火;将帅对待士卒像对待自己的儿子那样,士卒就会与将帅共患难、共生死。但是,对待士卒如果厚待而不能使用,溺爱而不能命令,违法乱纪也不能严肃处理,这样的军队就像娇惯的子女一样,不能用来作战。

Original: 视卒如婴儿,故可与之赴深溪;视卒如爱子,故可与与之俱死。厚而不能使,爱而不能令,乱而不能治,譬如骄子,不可用也

Terrain & Victory by Sun Zi

English: If I know that my troops are capable of attacking the enemy, but do not know that the enemy cannot be attacked, then the chance of victory is half. If the enemy is vulnerable to attack, but I am unaware that my troops are incapable of the task, the chance of victory is only half. In war, I may know that the enemy is vulnerable to attack and my troops are capable of attacking. But, if I do not know that the terrain is not favourable for the conduct of such assault, then the chance of victory is half.

Modern: 只了解我军能打,而不了解敌军不可以打,胜利的可能性只有一半;了解敌军可打,而不了解我军不能打,胜利的可能性也只有一半;了解敌军可打,也了解我军能打,而不了解地形不利于作战,胜利的可能性仍然只有一半。

Original: 知吾卒之可以击,而不知敌之不可击,胜之半也;知敌之可击,而不知吾卒之不可以击,胜之半也;知敌之可击,知吾卒之可以击,而不知地形之不可以战,胜之半也

Generals Must Know the Terrain by Sun Zi

English: Thus, he who is adept at warfare, when deploying his troops for battle, is never confused or misguided. When he mounts a military campaign, he never runs out of strategies or plans. Thus it is said: Know the enemy, know yourself, your victory will not be threatened. Know the weather, know the terrain, and your victories will be limitless.

Modern: 所以真正懂得用兵的人,行动起来目的明确而不迷惑,采取措施或谋略变化无穷而不呆板;所以,了解敌人,了解自己,争取胜利不会有危险;懂得天时,懂得地利,胜利可保全。

Original: 故知兵者,动而不迷,举而不穷。故曰:知彼知已,胜乃不殆;知天知地,胜乃可全

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